
The founders of the Center are the Ministry of Economic Development of the Saratov Region and the Union “Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Saratov Region”.

The center is a subject of the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, carrying out activities aimed at developing regional export potential.

The center’s priority task is to use measures and tools to support SMES to promote the interests of regional companies at any stage of their development.

The main goals and objectives of the Center:
  • 1

    Organization of participation of SME representatives in congress and exhibition events in the Russian Federation and abroad.

  • 2

    Organizing the participation of SME representatives in trade and economic missions to other regions and abroad.

  • 3

    Consultations on foreign economic activity and entering foreign markets

  • 4
    Search for potential partners and market research to promote products.
  • 5
    Linguistic services for translation and preparation of materials from/to foreign languages ​​in electronic and printed form.
  • 6
    Services for the formation and promotion of export and/or investment proposals.
  • 7

    Services for organizing and conducting seminars, business meetings, forums, round tables and conferences.

Center staff
  • Sergey Klyucharyov
    • Organization of the work of the ESC with SMEs, distribution of the workload among employees, reporting to the Executive Office, the Ministry of Economic Development, the REC, functions provided for by the charter, the Cabinet of Ministers

    tel: +7 (8452) 744-220

    e-mail: ksa.cpe@gmail.com

  • Alexey Kuramin
    Deputy Director
    • KM, exhibitions and business missions, organizing the provision of services on the basis of the “My Business” center, searching for a partner, e-commerce, support of an export contract, modernizing the SME website, conducting competitive procedures, certification, document flow of the ESC

    tel: +7 (8452) 744-220

    e-mail: kuramin.cpe@gmal.com

  • Irina Medtsova
    Deputy Director
    • KM, exhibitions and business missions, organizing the provision of services on the basis of the “My Business” center, searching for a partner, e-commerce, support of an export contract, modernizing the SME website, conducting competitive procedures, certification, document flow of the ESC

    tel: 744-220 add.201

    e-mail: medtsova.cpe@gmail.com

  • Arkady Balayan
    • KM, public events, ACS, popularization, marketing research, consultations

    tel:  +7 (8452) 744-220

    e-mail: balayan.cpe@gmail.com

  • Natalya Ermolenko
  • Guzel Valiulina
  • Daria Kasynkina
  • Anna Zagryadskaya